1. All information within this site related to operators and businesses is based upon information either provided by them or the most up-to-date data that could be sourced. The City of Yellowknife accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of this information, and shall not be held accountable for any errors and omissions. Any issues regarding inaccurate information can be reported using the links on the Contact Us page, and shall be considered for future updates
  2. The sole purpose of this site is to promote Yellowknife as a tourism destination. There is no endorsement intended, explicitly or implicitly, of any of the operators listed on this site. Likewise, the City of Yellowknife shall not be held liable for any arrangements with, or actions by, any of the operators listed on the site.
  3. This website gathers basic information from its visitors based upon IP and web browser information, such as general location and platform used. Any information collected directly from users, such as that from online forms, is for administrative or engagement use only, and is not shared with third parties. Any personal contact information provided by users of this site as part of a user’s request for information shall be kept solely for the purpose of providing the information in response to a request. This is in accordance with Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).
  4. We have enabled Google's Advertising Features on this site, which allows Google services to learn more about our visitors. We share no personally identifiable information with them. If you choose, you may opt out of having your general information tracked by this and most other web advertising services by changing your browser settings. See your browser's help system for more information.
  5. All text and images within the site are used with permission, or used within fair-use guidelines and best practices established within Canada, such as the incorporation of user-generated content shared within social media along with due credit or linkage. All rights are reserved, and written permission is required for the re-use or re-purposing of any materials in any media, digital or otherwise.